There once were two superheroes named John Owen and Jonah
Who lived in a house with their Daddy and Momma.
These two brothers loved saving the world-one bad guy at a time!
They possessed such great strength fighting at each other's side.
One day the "Evil Strep" and "Tonsils" tried to take the brothers on
But to no avail for the brothers said, "You, Tonsils, be gone!"
So with bravery and stamina they took the "Tonsils" OUT
They braved the "Needles" and the "Medicine" and the "Strangers" standing about.
It was a battle of gigantic proportions and they seemed to lose their way.
The brothers soon found themselves separated along the way.
Now, not being side-by-side through the whole thing was not fun
They were more scared and worried, one brother for the other one.
When their strength was nearing weakness, their Daddy and Momma appeared
They encouraged them to not give up--there was nothing to fear!
Well, the two were finally united. Oh what joy to see them smile!
To see the strength from each other's presence as they rested together for a while.
Rested side-by-side for their work had been done
They took on the "Evil Strep" and "Tonsils", and the Superheroes won!
Superheroes Reunite!