Many years ago, my grandmother gave me a musical box that plays one of the songs from "The Sound of Music." If you have seen the musical and know it well like I do, then you remember the song, "A Few of My Favorite Things." I love that song! That musical box she gave me now has a special place on a shelf in my house where I can see it everyday. It reminds me of the times she took me to musicals at the Orpheum as a child. (I was a complete "Orphan Annie" fanatic!) I share this with you because one of my favorite things in my life is my grandmother. Her life has been a testimony to all who know her. She is a wonderful Christian who devoted her life to raising 5 children in a Christian home. And she is wonderful with children I might add! I have watched my own boys almost mesmerized by her when she talks and reads to them. I wasn't lucky enough to grow up in the same town as my grandmother, so when we went to visit her, I was always happy to go. One fond memory I will share with you is that when she would sometimes call the house and I would speak with her on the phone, she would sing the chorus from "I Just" by Stevie Wonder to me. If you don't know the song, scroll down to my playlist and click on it. I added it to this page because it floods my mind with childhood memories everytime I hear it played, and I especially think of "Jenny" everytime I hear it. Is it any wonder why I named my daughter after her? Here's a recent picture of Jenny, my mom, me, and Mary Claire. 4 generations! This picture is now one of my favorite things! :-)