Saturday, January 14, 2012

They Need Our Words

It's sad to admit, but the new book I mentioned that I was reading in my last NYC trip post hasn't been picked up and read since the first part of December. Not that 52 Things Kids Need From A Mom isn't a good read, because it most certainly is, but the new book took a back seat to Christmas presents, cooking, multiple functions to attend, and somewhere in between all of that, an occasional sleep session. I picked up with my book this past week and thumbed my way through to where I left off.
I read the #22 thing kids need and the #23, and both offered wonderful insights to this mom of three, but I found the #24 thing kids need from a mom to be quite interesting. And all of you "blogging moms" out there will be happy to know that the author says that moms need to have a family blog. :) I laughed out loud when I read this, and I immediately told Jan what I had just read because he sometimes gets frustrated if I am on the computer blogging late at night. The author went on to say that she started a family blog because she believes our kids need our words.
I completely agreed with her that kids need to hear (or later read) about their family...the good and the bad, too. This is OUR STORY! And it's too quickly becoming our history with the days flying by as they do. They need to hear our story, even if they don't grow to appreciate it or truly understand it until later. (That's where the printing of your blog in a "family yearbook" is such a great idea. We pull ours out every now and then and look at the pictures and read the posts.) I want my children to read what I have written about the events in our lives and know how I felt about them and the times we have spent together. I want them to see how I dealt with joy, fear, and struggles when I pour out my heart in a post.
So, even if I have to stay up a little later at night to try to fit it in to my "schedule", I will do it. For the sake of my children and our family's story.

Our heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of motherhood.
Help me as a mother to seek Your guidance for my children.
Grant me wisdom, strength, patience, faith and love.
Create in me the willingness to dedicate myself and my children to You..

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