This morning at 7:52 a.m. marked the LAST 1st(contradictory?) birthday our family will celebrate! It's a little sad, but I feel the same completed feeling I felt when I first laid eyes on Mary Claire one year ago today and held her in my arms for the first time. You complete us, Mary Claire! (a great line borrowed from a good movie!:-))
One year ago...seems like yesterday! I sat in Sunday School a couple of weeks ago and looked up on the bulletin board where Mary Claire's birth announcement hung. And I felt as though I had just sent those out, but here I was approaching her ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY!!
A dear lady at church told me when I was expecting Mary Claire that her third child had always been such a blessing...not that the other two weren't, but she said her daughter had always been special. I think Mary Claire is such a blessing. I will enjoy telling her the story of my mom's reaction when the ultrasound revealed IT WAS A GIRL! Dr. Stern said it was the best reaction ever, and it was pretty good, I'd have to say. With two big brothers and a daddy who loves her more and more every day, I'd say she's a pretty lucky girl already!
Happy Birthday, Mary Claire! You have been an absolute JOY! I have never been happier, I think, to have been able to be at home with you for the first year of your life. To see you grow and laugh and crawl and talk! You are so beautiful and sweet! I love the way you wake up happy and call for daddy and me over the monitor! I love your dark hair (just like your Daddy's) and your eyes. I love the way you dance to the music you hear. You are a wonderful gift from God, and I am constantly reminded of God's goodness and greatnesss when I look at you. Thank you, God, for your ever enduring love. And thank you for this special day we celebrate the life You gave in this little girl we love so much.