Monday, December 22, 2008
A Very Merry Christmas to You!
Monday, December 15, 2008
We Love You, "Miss" Sara!
If you haven't had the privilege of meeting our "Miss" Sara, then you are missing out! "Miss" Sara is so special to our family. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and I think God led her to us last year when we were looking for and praying for another nanny for our children. (Well, God worked through Laura's connection with "Miss"Sara, of course...thank you, Laura!)
"Miss" Sara is like our family now! And Jonah especially holds a special place in her heart(she always says so!) because he had her full attention, and they had some great "one-on-one" time together last year. She went above and beyond in taking care of my boys last year while I was working, and I could never express in words how grateful I am to her. She made a full-time working mom's life a little easier every day.
She taught my children many things, and she taught me some things, too! I love to make her chicken pot pie recipe and will always think of her when I make it in the future. I enjoy that we both LOVE to eat some of the very same foods with macaroni and cheese ranking right up there at the top of the list!
I knew practically right away that she was "the one." To some, her age might have been a concern, but I didn't doubt her for a minute. She reminded me of my grandmother, Jenny, and I knew I could entrust my children to her. She raised three boys of her own and then has raised her grandson, and even at 70, she could probably run circles around some people half her age. I hope I am like that when I am 70! I found myself faced with some what of a dilemma when I decided to fulfill my dream of taking off from work to be at home with my children this year. There was a huge part of me that didn't want to let "Miss" Sara go. But happiness can also come from seeing someone else experiencing the love of "Miss" Sara, and I know that's just what Lane and Bo are receiving from her this year. I know they love her now just as much as we do.

Yesterday, she came by so that we could exchange some gifts for Christmas. See, just like family she is! I took the opportunity to have my children's picture made with her because the things and people who are important to us are on this here blog...And "Miss" Sara ranks right up there at the TOP of our list! We LOVE you, "Miss" Sara!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Taking Christmas Pictures is FUN!!
(NOTE: You may have to click on "view all images" to view these...I just realized it's taking a long time to LOAD! Maybe it's because there were so MANY!!!hehe) Just wanted to share some of the MANY shots we took for our Christmas cards this year! Is it possible to get 3 children to all look at the camera at the same time with decent expressions on their faces? It is! (But they're gonna make you WORK for it!) Hope your holiday season is VERY MERRY!
Love, The Hensley Clan
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Christmas Message to Remember
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Light My Fire
This is the "I Make Fire" dance performed by the native children

Jonah warming his hands by the fire!
Funny story about the firepit...this past Sunday we hosted the CHS Baseball Tour of Homes, and Jan decided to light his firepit for the occasion. I came into the living room as people were starting through the house only to find that smoke from the firepit was filling my living room!! Needless to say, I tried to make sure the back door did not get opened very much after that! I thought it added a nice touch! :-)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Conversations with Boys
Jonah: Mommy, I have an imaginary turtle who's my friend!
Me: You do?! Wow! What is your turtle's name?
(Long pause...with no answer.)
I was especially proud of John Owen for deciding not to "call his brother out" on his imaginary tall tale like he usually does. Instead he chimed right in with me...
John Owen: What does the turtle eat? (Good question!!)
Jonah: He eats training wheels. (?)
Me: What else does he eat?
Jonah: He eats flowers.
John Owen: Does he eat meat?
Jonah: No.
John Owen: Does he eat fruit and vegetables?
Jonah: Nope.
John Owen: Dairy? (What?! I was impressed at this point at the things coming from John Owen's mouth. Had he been studying the nutrition pyramid on the side of the cracker box?)
Jonah: Nope.
(Ok..I stepped in to redirect this tale.) Me: What should we call this turtle when we need to talk to him?
(Another pause but not quite as long...)
Jonah: "John." (VERY original, don't you think?) hehe
Jonah: And he does not like (INPUT NAME OF BOY IN HIS PRESCHOOL CLASS). :-) He will bite (INPUT SAME NAME OF BOY IN HIS PRESCHOOL CLASS). (Mommy thought: "Uh-huh, that's what this is ALL about...I wonder what happened at school today.")
So, "John" the invisible turtle now lives at the Hensley house, I suppose. And I guess he's here to help my Jonah deal with the issues he's facing with friends at school. (Don't you think it's fitting that this "turtle" bears the name of his BIG brother whom he adores and thinks can BEAT up anyone?) Gotta love BOYS!
Monday, December 1, 2008
A New Tradition?

It was FUN! Call it fate if you please, but I found three little gingerbread candies in the pantry that are supposed to go on top of cupcakes and told them we would add them. And we would call them "John Owen", "Jonah" and "Mary Claire". Jonah liked that! So here it is (minus the gingerbread "people"...I haven't put them on yet.) Now, if I can just keep little hands off for a little bit longer...