Monday, May 27, 2013

Yee Haw! Our Cowgirl is FIVE!

Mary Claire's 5th birthday party was a BOOT-SCOOTIN' good time!:)
When I set out to plan the party, I knew that this theme was the one for Mary Claire. Mary Claire has recently informed us that she wants to be a cowgirl when she grows up.:) So, you see, a cowgirl party was perfect. And the only HITCH in the plans was the rain which kept this from being an outside event, but even that couldn't throw a damper on our baby girl turning 5!
Warning! Picture overload!

The tables and chairs for guests.
Sorry, I should have taken a picture up close with tin buckets, burlap, and cowhide tissue paper for centerpieces. Balloons were weighted down inside tin buckets.

The "Watering Hole" with IBC Root Beer, Cream Soda, water and sodas.

The "Sweet Saloon" with the cake made by my friend, Christi.

Thank you, Christi! The cake was awesome!

Horse and cow cake pops turned out super cute! I did not make them, however I used a gift certificate I had gotten, and they were such a cute addition to the party.
"Happy Trails" table where guests made their own trail mix. It was so funny to see some of the kids running back and forth between playing and grabbing a handful of M&M's from the table!:) I kept going back and forth to the bowl of chocolate covered raisins...Can we say addicted?!

Bags for the trail mix!
Trying to get my cowhands to pose for one picture...

Yee Haw!!
The only picture with me in it.
My Aunt Dinah, me, Grandmother Caudle ("Jenny"), and Mimi

Faith, Mary Claire and Ema Li having fun posing for the camera!
This was a BIG hit! We had a pony and cart ride for the kids and the rain held off. This is Lane, Mrs. Bebe, Kate and Mary Claire takin' a ride.

(Sorry, my camera fogged up from the humidity.)
 Mary Claire, the birthday girl, and Mrs. Bebe being pulled by "Bella", the pony.
Some other party details I want to remember from this special celebration. (Mostly borrowed from Pinterest, I assure you.)

Food table where we served Barbeque and chicken
Happy birthday to my little cowgirl!
Happy and safe trails to you!
Thank you to all of our friends who came and helped celebrate!

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