I sit here tonight with a million things I could post about. Things just seem to accelerate in the month of May! It's like a race to summer break and then AHH...
Maybe, just maybe, we breathe a little slower and let time slow down just a bit to enjoy the ever-seemingly shorter summer days. For my boys, May kicked off with Field Day at school. A day to enjoy friendly competitions among classes, a celebration of year end assessments completed, a day of no schoolwork...just fun and games! And what beautiful weather both boys had for their field days!
Ready to play at Field Day 2012 |
Jonah did great in the Musical Hula Hoops competition:) |
John Owen reloading...I can't remember what this toss-and-catch game is called, but they loved it! |
Then it was time for the 2012 Go Lucy Go/LeBonheur 5k!
We were all super busy with plans for this special event, and our family is honored to be a part of this. Our community, as well as people beyond our community, have been extraordinary in helping us to raise some MAJOR money for LeBonheur Children's Hospital for 2 years now. Our plans are to keep going with this!:)
And it's all in honor of one super special and strong little girl...
Here's a few pictures I managed to get on race day.
Mary Claire and Elise enjoyed the beautiful face painting we had at the race!
A new favorite picture!
A friend shared this with me on facebook, and it makes my heart happy every time I look at it.
My mom holding my little girl's hand as she crossed the finish line at the Kids' Fun Run. And the fact that Mary Claire is reaching out to give her buddy, Raygan, a high five is priceless!
I give thanks for this as I look at it.
Go, Mary Claire! |
Unfortunately, Jonah had a little mishap on the track. Another little boy's shoe fell off, and Jonah did not see the boy bend down in front of him. He toppled right over the boy. I did not see it happen, but a friend brought him to me so that I could check him out. Once we determined he was o.k., Jan put him on his shoulders and went back with him to help him finish the race. I caught this moment with my phone camera when they crossed the finish line. I was glad Jan used this moment to teach Jonah that we always try our best to finish what we start, even if we have to help someone finish or be helped.
Rolling right along...
This past Wednesday night, John Owen and the children's choir at church performed their production of "That's So Daniel!" It was incredible!! They all did such a great job. Their hard work paid off, and I pray that the Biblical lessons they learned through this will help mold them into Christ-like young people.
(Our whole family knows the songs and dialogue! Mary Claire is still asking me to play the CD in the car, and sngs the songs to the top of her lungs!) |
Great job, John Owen!
A good looking group!
And it wouldn't be a weekend around here without a party, right?!
We celebrated a special birthday! Our dear friend, Preston, turned 5!
His party was at the TN Safari Park in Alamo, and it was fantastic.
As you can see, Mary Claire enjoyed the icing on the cupcakes...
She's got him by the horns!!:)
Mary Claire and Mills feeding carrots to the giraffe.
Mary Claire "hanging" with the girls.:)
One of her favorite people, Mary Leslie!
Yes, and if you are wondering why I have several pictures of Mary Claire and not the boys, it would be because the boys were all over the place! Having fun with friends is hard work, and snapping pictures of them at "work" is hard, too.
Here's a good group shot I got before they got off of the trailer.
Happy birthday, Preston! It was a "wild" party at the Safari Park, and we had so much fun!
Well, that's about all I can put into words tonight...Oh, except that I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! My "group" showered me with handmade cards, flowers, lunch at a "fancy" restaurant, a sweet "love" letter from my husband, and a little bit of rest time. I got to enjoy a good run with my friend, Laura, this afternoon and spent tonight with my own mother for an hour or so. I am blessed beyond measure for several reasons, but mostly because I am called "Mother" by 3 beautiful people that God has given me.
Blessed because I have a wonderful Christian mother who continues to teach me through example of what being a mother is all about.
I love you, Mom!