or a better title might be "I can't keep my blog updated on a regular basis, so here's what we've been up to since the last post". :)Oh my goodness, this is probably the most unorganized post I've ever posted. I guess I'll start with the most recent and work my way back to November! (I would say I'm going to do better, but I don't need to put myself under that pressure...) And I think you'll see we've been busy, busy, busy! I have GOT to do a better job of this "scrapbooking" AKA blogging!!
This 1st picture makes me smile! My little girl went on her first "date" this past weekend. And I think he's a "keeper". He rang the doorbell, asked for Miss Mary Claire and then helped her get in the car. Oh, and posed for the obligatory mom photo before leaving! Such a great guy!:) They had a blast at the Daddy/Daughter dance and even went for Starbucks after! This guy never dreamed he'd have a little girl and was nervous when we found out this little girl was on the way. But she's just what he needed, what we both needed. A blessing from God! And a ball of FUN...
Happy New Year from the Hensleys!
Ringing in 2015
I met up with my dearest friends right before the new year. We don't get together very often, but these girls mean the world to me. I don't talk to them everyday, but friendships like ours don't require everyday conversations. We could talk for hours, and that's just what we did. When they closed the restaurant, we moved to the car, drove to McDonald's, and sat in the parking lot.
We always celebrate Christmas with the Caudle family on the Sunday after Christmas. These pictures are of the grandchildren and great grandchildren with Jenny!
One of my favorite pictures from Christmas with the Hensleys! Aunt Michele and Alex had the frame with lights and we all had FUN taking pictures with it!
Not a clear picture, but Jonah was a shepherd in the Christmas play |
Bellevue Singing Christmas Tree |
John Owen looking so grown up at Christmas |
My favorite Christmas decoration! Thanks to Mimi :) |
John Owen singing with the 5th grade honor choir |
Cookies from Uncle Roy and Aunt Cynthia are the BEST! |
Jan ran his 1st marathon! I am so proud of him! |
Me enjoying Starbucks after the marathon. (My 2nd marathon!) |
WE did it! Our 1st marathon together! He pushed me at the end when I wanted to walk. I wouldn't have quit, but I wouldn't have gotten there as fast without him. |
BEFORE the marathon with Jason Coats |
This was all of us at the St. Jude Expo the night before the marathon |
There we are--Before the 26. 2 miles we've trained for! |
In November, we traveled to St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands to celebrate our 15th anniversary! It was beautiful! St. John and the Caribbean are breathtaking! I love seeing the world with Jan Hensley...
St. Thomas (November 2014) |
Happy Anniversary to my love! |
A beautiful rainbow outside our condo |
Man...he's pretty dang good lookin' ;) |
The water and sand were like nothing we've ever seen before! Clear water and soft, white sand. God's work is amazing! |
Yep, that's cheesy ME posing on a TREE...;) |
View from the plane window |
The view of an island from WAY UP IN THE SKY! |
Look at my handsome guy on career day |
Tiny little dancer |
Scientist guy! |
Fyrne Lake 2014 |
Mimi won her age group AGAIN! |