I promised myself that I would try not to fall behind in posting for our family scrapbook, but it seems that I'm doing a "catch up" post more and more these days. :(
I have good intentions; I really do.
With the dawn of a new year, I could say that it will be my resolution to post more, but I'm afraid to put that kind of pressure on myself. If you can't tell by my running and racing, I like to do my very best to achieve my goals, so I'm being careful not to put the pressure of blogging on my shoulders!
That being said, I never got a chance to do a new year's post. Nevermind the fact that I had 2 extra days off from work this week due to frigid temps...
Yeah, just forget I mentioned that.
Happy New Year!
We spent New Year's Eve with some wonderful friends at our house.
I'm so thankful for good friends! The kids and their friends loved counting down the new year, drinking their sparkling cider, and blowing their noisemakers!
Wow! The noise that filled my house!
I took pictures of the celebration with Jan's phone, and wouldn't you know it? I forgot to send them to myself so I could post.
To be continued...
This is Mary Claire wearing a smocked coat made by my mother for me when I was about 6 years old. Mary Claire is 5 1/2, and I love that she can wear some of the treasured dresses that I wore as a child. A small part of me wishes I had the gift of sewing like my mother, but God gives us all special talents, and sewing is not one of mine. So thankful for my mom and her gift! |
Speaking of God's gifts-This is one picture from our annual Caudle Christmas gathering in Oxford, MS. All the great-grandchildren with Grandmother Caudle. She's 93 and there are 14 great-grandchildren AND one on the way!! (missing Cooper and Christopher in the pic and Baby Armour should arrive in late April or early May)
Family is a blessing! |
We started the new year off with an off road race on January 5! The boys decided to brave the cold, rain, and MUD with us, so we all dashed through the woods, dodged the roots and TRIED to miss the muddy puddles. Then we raced to the finish(and the warm car!) It was a 3k (about 1.8 miles) and the boys have agreed to maybe tackle the next trail race with us--the 5k at Stanky Creek! Should be interesting...Happy trails! |
A little mud never hurt anyone, right? |
Me and my boys after our muddy run!
I was so proud of them for enduring this. Life lessons can be taught through things such as this. :) |
My new year started off with a follow up visit to the ENT, and the news that I need
surgery. The next few days should prove interesting as I go in for nasal surgery on Jan 9th! I'll be put to sleep (thank goodness) and I'm a little nervous, but I trust that God will lead me through this. I'm thankful for a wonderful, hard working husband who loves me and loving parents who help me so much with my children. I think I've got things in order so that I know the kids are taken care of while Mommy is down for a few days. Who knows? Next time I hit the trails running, maybe I'll be breathing a whole lot easier!:)
Praying God's blessings on us all this year--And for God's blessings on you!